Monday, October 3, 2011

In Recovery...

I’m only six days out of my surgery repairing my Rotator Cuff and I’m still in pain. My doctor said there would be pain, but this is pain like I’ve never felt. I try to reach for something using that arm, but it doesn’t move. I then realize it’s not going to. Sleeping in this sling and with this arm is nearly unbearable.

You guys have heard me say over and over again about my goals in Jiujitsu and my rocky road towards achieving them. Everyone knows about how my last two years economically and socially have been rough and very trying. Other than my family, Jiujitsu was my only friend. I talk about it so much because I truly love the art and the community Jiujitsu has developed around itself. After setting ground at Red Schafer Mixed Martial Arts earlier this year and conquering one of my greatest goals in Jiujitsu, I had a plan. We all have obstacles and roadblocks in life. There are things we enjoy doing, but find those roadblocks in the way of pursuing those passions. Well, for me, my job has been very unfriendly to my passion of training Jiujitsu on a regularly scheduled basis. I have a crazy schedule of 12:30 PM-to-8:30 PM, Monday through Friday. This schedule cancels out my attending the bigger classes in the evening and even in the earlier classes in the morning due to having to be at work at the time the class is still going on.

I, recently, made probation at my job and felt comfortable talking to my supervisor to ask for time on Tuesdays and Thursdays allowing me to come in a little later so I could train. Right when I spoke to my supervisor and she was going to “get back to me,” my arm began being a major issue. I had surgery and now…let’s just say with the time I’ll be on the sideline, I don’t have to wait for my supervisor’s response about those Tuesdays and Thursdays. Only six days out of surgery, I’m having a huge problem with “NOT” getting back to training soon. I fell like a failure. I fell like, “Here’s another excuse!” I achieved this major goal in my Jiujitsu and now it’s slammed on the breaks.

I don’t want my children and wife to see me as a quitter. They saw my hard work, my passion, and my dedication and they saw me achieve a great goal in jiujitsu. I liked how my family looked at me. I liked how my friends congratulated me. Now, I’m told to wait. I’m controlling my diet and managing my weight, but I’m told to wait.

I hope I can shake the fears I’m having about my recovery and not training for a few months. You have to do what’s needed to get back into shape. I’ll keep you guys posted!!!       

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