Does size really matter? Well, most women would say so, but in terms of Jiujitsu, I'm not truly convinced it does. If you look back over the years and watch MMA and Jiujitsu competitions, you’ll learn to agree, size doesn’t really matter. My coach, Red Schafer, often competes in the Heavy Weight Divisions, which have not weight limits and pits him against some truly “Big Boys.” Initially, he seems to be shoved, pushed, and moved by these larger more powerful competitors. Something happens though, which the larger and more powerful opponent doesn’t expect. Red uses leverage against them. This leverage allows Red to sweep the opponents and ends up on top; the more dominate position.
What happens, though, when larger opponents use the laws of leverage in MMA and Jiujitsu competitions? It took me a long time to realize and understand, I’ll never be or have the Jiujitsu of Marcelo Garcia or Rapael Mendez. Being my size (5’8” and 260 lbs.), I find it very difficult to do these “BJ Penn” flexible moves. Still loving the art form, I have to use the next few years to find my Jiujitsu. Find out what works for me.
I have to ask myself what do I want from Jiujitsu. Why do I love Jiujitsu? Being a heavy boy, I want to train and develop my form of “Functional Jiujitsu,” which would be efficient and realistic for someone with my limitations and abilities. My coach is very realistic in my abilities and doesn’t push me to do something we both know, I’ll never pull off in a Jiujitsu match or in a self-defense scenario.
As a “Big Boy,” I know, I need to work on escaping the bottom positions and learn more about sweeping my opponents. For anyone in Jiujitsu, sweeps are essential. There’s a known fact about Jiujitsu, those who land on top position during competition will more than likely remain there and win due to the person on the bottom not being able to escape or sweep their opponent.
I need to work my escapes and sweeps if I’m going to be ready to compete in 2012 after my doctor clears me to train and compete again.
We all know, Big Boys Rock!!!!!
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